Director: Mr Kokkidis Stelios
Address: 5, Acharnon st., GR - 101 76 Athens, office no. 503
Tel. 210 212 5522, fax: 210 524 0860, e-mail:



The Secretariat is assigned with the administrative support of the Directorate and also to the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, concerning the personnel, the supplies, the functional budget and the financial contributions of the Ministry to the international organizations.

  Address: 5, Acharnon st., GR - 101 76 Athens, office no. 602. Fax: 210 522 2589
  Mrs. Kordouli Ioanna Tel. 210 212 5594, e-mail:
  Mrs. Katsanou Evangelia Tel. 210 212 5539, e-mail:
Division 1 : Income & Fiscal Policy
  • Management committee Reg. 73/2009 (CAP reform, direct payments).
  • Participation in the committee of FEOGA (financing the member-states by agricultural funds, FEAGA and FEDER, clearance accounts, penalties, ELEGEP budget.
  • Participation in the working groups of the Council Agrifin (fiscal impacts of the proposals submitted by European Union to the Council).
  • Issues of accredition and certification for OPEKEPE.
  • Follow up of the National Accounts for Agriculture and specifically the development of the agricultural income.
  • Follow up the issues of agricultural credit, as well as the legislation on the taxation of farmers (income, capital, VAT).
  • Secretarial assistance to the Council of Agricultural Policy.

Head of the Division: Mr. Visiotis Kostas
Address: 5, Acharnon st., office 108
Tel. 210 212 5591, fax: 210 524 0955, e-mail:


Experts - Employees
Mr. Koutsomitros Sotiris
Mrs. Sergiani Dimitra

Tel. 210 212 5508, e-mail:
Tel. 210 212 5516, e-mail:
Division 2 : EC Affairs, International Relations & Commercial Policy
  • Follow-up the negotiations of World Trade Organisation (Former G.A.T.T.) and participation in the relative committees (New Agricultural Agreement, TRIPS, geografical indications).
  • Follow-up the negotiations and participation in the relative committees of OECD (markets, trade, environment, food aid).
  • Participation in the relative committees of FAO (food security, phytosanitary and veterinary issues on a global level).
  • Preparation and follow up the negotiations of the Special Committee for Agriculture and the Council of Ministers for Agriculture.
  • Follow-up the issues of international trade.
  • Bilateral relations with third countries (bilateral agreements, protocols, memoranda, co-operation).

Head of the Division: Mr. Kastanias Mikhalis
Address: 5, Acharnon st., office 605
Tel. 210 212 5587, 210 212 5533, fax: 210 524 0955, e-mail:

  Experts - Employees
Mr. Fermantzis Gianis
Mrs. Karathanassi Vassia
Mrs. Khronopoulou Aggeliki
Mrs. Liatou Amalia
Mr. Maggelakis Giorgos
Mrs. Rigopoulou Sofia
Mr. Tsamis Giorgos
Mrs. Tsitsika Efthimia

Tel. 210 212 5562, e-mail:
Tel. 210 212 5535, e-mail:
Tel. 210 212 4144, e-mail:
Tel. 210 212 5491, e-mail:
Tel. 210 212 5577, e-mail:
Tel. 210 212 5532,
Tel. 210 212 5528, e-mail:
Tel. 210 212 4143, e-mail:
Division 3: Agricultural Statistics

The data for agricultural statistics are officially conducted by the National Statistical Service of Greece (ESYE) and complementarily by the Ministry of Rural Development & Food. The Division is responsible to follow-up and/or conduct the following statistical data:
· cultivated areas per product
· number of livestock animals
· production of agricultural products
· producer prices
· external trade of agricultural products
· commercial balance of agricultural products


HEAD OF THE DIVISION: Mr Kokkidis Stelios
Address: 5, Acharnon st., office 503
Tel. 210 212 5522, fax: 210 524 0860, e-mail:

  Experts -Employees
Mr. Alexiadis Stelios
Mrs. Bakola Stavroula
Mrs. Khronopoulou Evanthia
Mrs. Mavromatidou Dafni
Mrs. Samlidou Heleni
Mr. Spanelis Leonidas
Mr. Skoufas Hercules
Mr. Tavoularis Kostas

Tel. 210 212 5517, e-mail:
Tel. 210 212 5525
Tel. 210 212 5531
Tel. 210 212 5523, e-mail:
Tel. 210 212 5526
Tel. 210 212 5544, e-mail:
Tel. 210 212 5512, e-mail:
Tel. 210 212 5504, e-mail:

Division 4: Documentation

· Agricultural sampling program: Statistical estimation (high accuracy) of land covered by each crop per year. The sample is extended to 30.000 geographical points. The records are realized every Spring and the results are available from July on-wards.
· Running and support of the Directorate's network. Website's creation, design and update.
· Links to external bases (OLISNET, CELEX, CRONOS)
· Supervision and support of the Central Library of the Ministry.


HEAD OF THE DIVISION: Mr. Papoulias Thanassis
Address: 5, Acharnon st., office 102
Tel. 210 212 5502, fax: 210 524 3116, e-mail:

  Experts - Employess
Mr. Papadopoulos Nikos
τηλ. 210 212 5507, e-mail:
Central Library
Its collection is one of the biggest all over Greece as far as Agriculture is concerned. However, it covers most of the up today human knowledge. It includes over 100.000 book titles and magazines as well as a big information section. Furthermore, the collection includes rare publications of 19th century and publications of national and international organizations such as FAO, INIA, OCDE, ATE, KEPE, EU, ETC. Also there are printed all the Greek National Legislation from 1920 to 2001 and an electronic data base from 1994 and so on as well as all the European Union Legislation printed and electronically. The Library uses the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) 3rd edition, revised 1961.

Address: 22, Menandrou st., 1st floor
Librarians in charge:
Mrs. Kalogeropoulou VassoTel. 210 212 5018, fax: 210 5241 987, e-mail:
Mrs. Galanopoulou Aggeliki, Tel. 210 212 5019, e-mail:
Mr. Diamantakos Panagiotis, Tel. 210 212 5019

  Informatics Office
  Mr. Diakonis Gianis τηλ. 210 212 5508